Is it me?
So, I've been a terror all week. One of my co-workers at Williams Sonoma said "You are really showin' your natural black behind!" You know, like when someone says, "He's showing his ass," meaning, he's showing his true colors.
Anyway, various individuals I work with have been behaving like complete and utter fucktards and I am clearly at my breaking point as I've clearly expressed my frustration by throwing my signature attitude EVERYWHERE. All over the walls, on the ceiling, and all up in the cracks. While the adults at work should be afraid of me, the teenagers are torn between thinking I'm either kinda cool and a little nuts or I'm just an asshole.
Just so you'll understand my pain, I've included this stockroom call from last weekend between myself and a person I like to refer to as "The chick with bad hair." FYI, we use Walkie Talkies.
TCWBH: Stockroom?
STEF: This is stockroom.
TCWBH: Stockrrom, I need a LeCreuset 2.5 quart saucier in dijon (yellow).
STEF: I am checking on a LeCreuset 2.5 quart saucier in dijon.
STEF: This is stockroom. I have a LeCreuset 2.5 quart saucier in dijon
coming up.
- I delivered the product to the salesfloor -
TCWBH: Stockroom... I needed the LeCreuset saucier in Lemongrass (puke
STEF: This is stockroom. We do not have ANY LeCreuset 2.5 quart
sauciers in Lemongrass. I only have them in yellow.
TCWBH: I need the LeCreuset saucier in Lemongrass.
STEF: I only have it in yellow.
- 1 minute pause -
TCWBH: What other colors do you have it in?
So, that was last Friday.
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