It's About Protecting the Children???
I'm listening to NPR and they're discussing gay marriage ban amendments, in particular one to be voted upon in Virginia. Some woman who is expecting her first child in the next few months says "It's about protecting the children." Really?
How is banning gay marriage protecting anyone's kids? Oh, is that because we're (gay people) are seen as sexual predetors by many conservative stright folks? Or is it that we are such a threat, conservative politicians see this as their only chance to hold us in place by restricting our once inalienable rights.
It's facinating how being "American" constantly changes. And all for the sake of protecting the family and in other cases, national security. The only thing I can even begin to compare all of this to is how American treated African Americans post slavery. It's a looong time, but black folks STILL aren't treated as equal.
I remember my mom explaining to me why she NEVER uses public bathrooms. I figured it was because she's kind snooty. In fact, she learned never to use public bathrooms because she grew up in Jim Crow America, with the White vs. Colored toilets, water fountains, etc. She said the "colored" bathrooms were always horribly filthy and rancid, while the water in the "colored" fountains was always steaming hot.
Can't do that kind of shit to African Americans, now. "So let's do something similar to gay Americans!!! Yeah, that's a plan! They want to get married? Screw 'em!"
See, it's stupid shit like this that makes me so damn hostile! What is it that they say? Whoever you hate will somehow end up in your family? Yeah, I like the sound of that.
Nice comment. I am taking this as a personal rights issue, too. I live in Virginia and I was really riled about that story this morning.
I dropped a challenge for libertarians and conservatives who come by on a regular basis. I would love to have you share your two cents.
7:57 PM
People are stupid, it's a fact. No one seems to remember that most serial killers and child molesters are white, middle aged straight know, the guy the neighbors always said was "quite" and "kept to himself".
8:22 AM
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